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Analyzing Staffing as Cornerstone to Police Transformation

November 17, 2020 9 minute read

In this article we intend to explain why a comprehensive staffing analysis can clear the way for an effective police transformation, and a smart way of readjusting budgets.

Informe sobre la Banca de RD - 2ndo Trimestre 2020

October 26, 2020 1 minute read

La banca múltiple dominicana ha seguido mostrando un nivel elevado de rentabilidad en la primera mitad del 2020. Los efectos de la pandemia no se han manifestado aun en los indicadores de calidad de activos, solvencia y rentabilidad gracias a las medidas tomadas por las entidades reguladoras.

Smart Working: la evolución del Teletrabajo

October 13, 2020 17 minute read

El Smart Working es una nueva tendencia en la forma de trabajar y todo parece indicar que ha llegado para quedarse. Aunque usa conceptos del teletrabajo, la flexibilidad de horarios, y el “work-life balance”, en realidad es mucho más que eso: Se refiere a dotar al empleado de los recursos necesarios para que desarrolle su labor de forma autónoma buscando el cumplimiento de objetivos. Si esto se logra entonces el empleado está cumpliendo con su trabajo, sea desde su hogar, oficina o cualquier lugar que le sea conveniente.

PR Banking Industry Report Q2 2020

September 17, 2020 1 minute read

Reduction in profitability in the first half of 2020 (7.0% Pre-Tax ROE) vs 2018 and 2019 due to lower interest margin and fee income, and higher loan loss provision, mostly driven by the Covid pandemic and its impact on the local and US economies. Despite the magnitude of the pandemic impact, no bank had negative net income, with Popular reaching the highest pre-tax ROA (0.97%), followed by Oriental (0.68%), Santander (0.58%), and FirstBank (0.40%).

PR Banking Industry Report Q1 2020

June 14, 2020 0 minute read

The impact of Covid-19 has been partially absorbed by local banks in their Q1 2020 results through a significant increase in loan loss provision. However, the reduction in fees and transactional income was small (last two weeks of March 2020) and will be felt mostly in Q2 2020 and in subsequent quarters depending on the pace of return to normal economic activity. In this Q1 2020 Banking Industry Report we present a brand new format where the user will be able to select particular periods of time and banks to review key metrics trends and make bank comparisons.

Informe de V2A sobre la banca de RD - 1er Trimestre 2020

May 29, 2020 17 minute read

El impacto de la crisis global de salud en el sistema financiero del país será significativo, y en este Insight se compara con las dos últimas crisis financieras (2003 y 2008), y se estima que sectores económicos se verán afectados y que acciones deben tomar las instituciones financieras ante este panorama

Unemployment Claims Reach Historic Highs following the COVID-19 Lockdown

April 29, 2020 7 minute read

The deep economic effects of Covid-19 are reflected in the unprecedented rise of unemployment claims around the world. In Puerto Rico, cumulative unemployment claims in the five weeks following the lockdown reached 200,419, three times the total claims during 2019. This number is in line with the US when measured in relation to the labor force. Covid-19 is also impacting the large informal economy of the Island, which is not eligible for unemployment insurance. On the other side, Puerto Rico may be seen as a safe place to do business given the successful containment of the virus so far, and as an ideal location from where to work remotely in the future.

Compare mobility trends and positive cases in Puerto Rico and other Countries/States

April 28, 2020 0 minute read

Mobility restriction measures have the objective of reducing the contagion of Covid-19. The V2A Covid-19 Mobility Dashboard compares mobility reductions/increases with the spread of Covid-19 in all States of the US and more than 100 countries including Puerto Rico. Several Countries/States can be selected to compare mobility in various sectors/areas (Retail and Recreation, Grocery and Pharmacy, Parks, Residential, Workplace, Transit Stations) and the evolution of positives per 100k population on a daily basis.

Growth Opportunities for the Pharmaceutical Industry

April 8, 2020 7 minute read

The crisis brought upon all of us by COVID-19 has made both citizens and lawmakers demand quick action and trustworthy solutions, as well as made us all question the benefits of globalization. While producers have logically favored moving supply chains overseas to optimize their cost base, the reality is that neglecting a reliable domestic supply of certain goods has become a national security issue. Pharmaceutical products are a clear example. This report is meant to highlight Puerto Rico’s readiness to insert itself into the COVID-19 pandemic response and the pharmaceutical repatriation effort that will likely follow
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