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The importance of the Public Service Reform and how its pilot program has progressed
June 9, 2022 31 minute audio
Podcast about Public Service Reform or better known in English as 'Civil Service Reform'.
Strategic CAPEX Optimization for Telcos in 6 Steps
May 2, 2022 17 minute read
Continuous technological changes in the Telecommunications industry are forcing Telco to constantly embark on Network Transformation programs and ask themselves how to invest their capital expenditures better.
Informe sobre la Banca de República Dominicana 4to Trimestre 2021
March 28, 2022 1 minute read
La banca múltiple alcanzó un ROA antes de impuestos de 2.23% en 2021, similar al del período pre pandemia, siendo soporte fundamental para ayudar a la economía dominicana a reponerse del impacto de la crisis sanitaria.
Puerto Rico Banking Industry Report Q4 2021
March 11, 2022 1 minute read
The Puerto Rico banking industry reached a pre-tax ROE of 22.6% in 2021, the highest since 2004. There is an unprecedented level of liquidity in the market, with deposits growing by 32% between 2019 and 2021.
Natural Language Processing, what it is and how it helps your organization
February 25, 2022 21 minute audio
In this episode, Paul Cohen, Steven González, and Federico Forsythe talk about natural language processing (NLP), a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence that is used to extract information from thousands of hours of recorded audio or millions. of writings. pages without having to listen to or read what they say.
The Recipe for a Successful Civil Service Reform
January 19, 2022 12 minute read
Throughout history, government administrations have faced complex economic and social crises. These challenges hinder their ability to provide an adequate public service to its citizens, which is their primary purpose.
Natural Language Processing, what it is and how it helps your organization
December 9, 2021 8 minute read
Natural Language Processing (NLP), a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence, can be used to extract valuable insights for any company with large amounts of unstructured data like audio files (e.g., customer calls) and text documents (e.g., interviews notes).
Puerto Rico Banking Industry Report Q3 2021
December 3, 2021 1 minute read
The Puerto Rico banking industry reached a pre-tax ROE of 22.5% in the Jan-Sep 2021 period driven by three factors: 1) Higher leverage levels, 2) Higher operational efficiency, and 3) Lower provision expense.
Economía de la República Dominicana en franca recuperación
October 19, 2021 9 minute read
Tan solo un año y medio después de declarada oficialmente la pandemia a nivel global la economía dominicana, en términos generales, se encuentra encaminada hacia la total recuperación.