PR Banking Industry Report Q3 2020

Banks remained profitable during the first nine months of 2020 despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, they experienced a moderate reduction in profitability (8.8% Pre-Tax ROE) vs 2018 and 2019 due to lower interest margin and fee income, and higher loan loss provision.

Smart Working: la evolución del Teletrabajo

El Smart Working es una nueva tendencia en la forma de trabajar y todo parece indicar que ha llegado para quedarse. Aunque usa conceptos del teletrabajo, la flexibilidad de horarios, y el “work-life balance”, en realidad es mucho más que eso: Se refiere a dotar al empleado de los recursos necesarios para que desarrolle su labor de forma autónoma buscando el cumplimiento de objetivos. Si esto se logra entonces el empleado está cumpliendo con su trabajo, sea desde su hogar, oficina o cualquier lugar que le sea conveniente.

PR Banking Industry Report Q2 2020

Reduction in profitability in the first half of 2020 (7.0% Pre-Tax ROE) vs 2018 and 2019 due to lower interest margin and fee income, and higher loan loss provision, mostly driven by the Covid pandemic and its impact on the local and US economies. Despite the magnitude of the pandemic impact, no bank had negative net income, with Popular reaching the highest pre-tax ROA (0.97%), followed by Oriental (0.68%), Santander (0.58%), and FirstBank (0.40%).

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