Compare mobility trends and positive cases in Puerto Rico and other Countries/States

Mobility restriction measures have the objective of reducing the contagion of Covid-19. The V2A Covid-19 Mobility Dashboard compares mobility reductions/increases with the spread of Covid-19 in all States of the US and more than 100 countries including Puerto Rico. Several Countries/States can be selected to compare mobility in various sectors/areas (Retail and Recreation, Grocery and Pharmacy, Parks, Residential, Workplace, Transit Stations) and the evolution of positives per 100k population on a daily basis.

Customer Profitability Analysis for Better Decisions

We are proud to present our latest insights to the banking industry through the publication of the «Customer Profitability Analysis for Better Decisions» article in BAI Banking Strategies. It showcases the work we have developed around our customer profitability methodology in a practical, focused and insightful manner. Click on the link below, and enjoy! «Customer …

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