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Analítica para Negocios y Mercado

PR Banking Industry Report - January to December 2011

"There is light at the end of the tunnel" The year 2011 marked a turning point for the local banking industry. After two years of losses and a 7 year trend of steady reduction in profitability, the banking sector returned to the path of positive returns in 2011.

Informe de V2A sobre la Banca de RD - Enero a Diciembre 2011

Nuevos retos no impiden que la banca continúe siendo altamente rentable. El desempeño de la banca múltiple dominicana en el año 2011 estuvo fuertemente marcado por dos factores de política pública: 1. La subida de las tasas de interés de referencia para frenar las presiones inflacionarias causadas por el aumento en los precios de las materias primas. El banco central incrementó la tasa de política monetaria de 4% a 6.75% entre agosto del 2010 y abril del 2011 y mantuvo dicha tasa inalterada hasta diciembre del 2011. 2. La imposición del impuesto del 1% sobre los activos productivos de los bancos comenzando el 15 de agosto del 2011.

PR Banking Industry Report - January to September 2011

The Puerto Rico banking industry achieved a Pre-Tax ROE of 7.9% in the first nine months of 2011 after two years of negative bottom line. The improvement in the banking system profitability coincides with a period of weak economic activity and decreasing total assets. As a result, banks are facing the need to rationalize their expense structure locally to cope with increasing fixed costs relative to productive assets. Additionally, they are finding themselves with excess capital after a period when they had to strengthen their capital levels to face large credit losses. With limited opportunities to invest in the local market, banks are looking at alternatives to use their spare capital, like investing in existing outside operations, repaying debt or returning capital to their shareholders.

Informe de V2A sobre la Banca de RD - Enero a Septiembre 2011

"Nuevos retos no impiden que la banca continúe siendo altamente rentable". El desempeño de la banca múltiple dominicana en el año 2011 estuvo fuertemente marcado por dos factores de política pública: 1. La subida de las tasas de interés de referencia para frenar las presiones inflacionarias causadas por el aumento en los precios de las materias primas. El banco central incrementó la tasa de política monetaria de 4% a 6.75% entre agosto del 2010 y abril del 2011 y mantuvo dicha tasa inalterada hasta diciembre del 2011. 2. La imposición del impuesto del 1% sobre los activos productivos de los bancos comenzando el 15 de agosto del 2011.

P.R. Banking Industry Report - January to June 2011

The Q2 2011 results confirm the success of the measures taken in the past years to reduce nonperforming assets and maintain appropriate capital levels. With banks ready to grow their core businesses in a challenging economic scenario with limited organic growth opportunities, a new competitive landscape has emerged. In this new landscape, stealing share through superior service and innovative marketing ideas while protecting margins will be the name of the game. So far, some banks have fared better than others under this new landscape, particularly in the commercial credit business where competition is most fierce. While we are optimistic that the banking sector credit performance will continue to improve and the market will slowly recover, it is still possible that the economy deteriorates further and that banks will need to refocus on loss mitigation.

Informe de V2A sobre la Banca de RD - Enero a Junio 2011

Dado el excelente récord de crecimiento económico del país y su baja tasa de penetración de crédito bancario (40.6% en relación a PIB vs 62% para América Latina), el sector bancario local tiene un amplio margen de crecimiento a largo plazo. Sin embargo, la política monetaria restrictiva y el impuesto del 1% sobre activos bancarios hacen augurar una etapa de reducción significativa de la actividad bancaria en el corto-mediano plazo. Este panorama podría desencadenar un periodo de consolidación, con algunos bancos mejor posicionados para aprovecharlo gracias a su escala, sus mejores niveles de eficiencia y su disponibilidad de capital.

PR Banking Industry Report - January to December 2010

In 2010 banks put substantial resources into mitigating risk and getting rid of toxic assets in order to reverse the declining profitability trend and start 2011 on a stronger footing. 2010 was also the year of consolidation, with the FDIC assisting in the acquisition process of three failed institutions: Westernbank, RG and Eurobank. Based on banks' participation in this acquisition process and the prospect of a second wave of consolidations in 2011, we have categorized the local institutions in three groups: 1) The Winners, Popular, Scotiabank, and Oriental, acquired the troubled banks under favorable terms growing their share of total assets from 34% to 44%; 2) The Targets, FirstBank and Doral, became the likely targets for a second round of consolidations; 3) The Spectators, Santander and BBVA, did not place winning bids during the consolidation process, and did not expand or reduce their operations in the Island. The three groups of banks will face separate challenges in 2011. The Winners will need to balance loss mitigation with business generation to offset the natural decline in the FDIC covered loan portfolio balances. The Targets will need to continue improving their capital levels and asset quality while entertaining or fending acquisition offers. And The Spectators will struggle to capture the attention of their parent companies if they want to expand their operations in the Island.

Informe de V2A sobre la Banca de RD - Enero a Diciembre 2010

La banca múltiple dominicana se está beneficiando de la bonanza económica del país creciendo rápidamente sus activos al tiempo que mantiene un elevado nivel de rentabilidad. El reto de cara al 2011 será precisamente manejar este crecimiento, frenando el deterioro del índice de solvencia, administrando correctamente el grado de liquidez y luchando por ganar participación de mercado sin comprometer la calidad de activos.

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